Monday, October 17, 2011

just another sheep

I think I've come to the conclusion that originality is dead. This idea is especially disheartening for someone who considers to be an artist. How can anyone possibly make their niche when everything seems to be copied. Of course the obvious answer would be "create something new, dumbass." 

Here is where the problem lies: 

I am just another sheep. 

I live my day just like everybody else. Wake up, drive to work, work, drive back home, blog/facebook/tumblr/maybe make some art, go to bed. Repeat. As overly dramatic as it may come off, any flicker of creativity is slaughtered my the monotony that has become my life. 

However, this problem, like many problems has a solution (or several solutions):
1. Find a new job
2. Make more art
3. Enjoy life

Property of L11

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